Friday, December 28, 2007

Sales Force Management - Disadvantages

We are talking CRM Software Functions here in this blog. We are talking Advantages of Sales Force Management system's advantages to sales people, advantages to sales manager, advantages to marketing manager, strategice advantages.

Today we are going to talk Disadvantages of Sales Force Management.

Detractors claim that sales force management systems are:

  • difficult to work with

  • require additional work inputting data

  • dehumanize a process that should be personal

  • require continuous maintenance, information updating, and system upgrading costly

  • difficult to integrate with other management information systems

ref: Insurance SFA & Insurance CRM software, wikipedia

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

CRM Software - Strategic Advantages

CRM software we are talking here. As a part of our talk we are talking on SFA. We talked advantage of SFA to Marketing Manager and Sales Manager. Today we are going to talk about Strategic Advantages of Sales Force Automation.

Strategic advantages
Sales force automation systems can also create competitive advantage. Here are some examples:

  • As mentioned above, productivity will increase. Sales staff will use their time more efficiently and more effectively. The sales manager will also become more efficient and more effective.(see above) This increased productivity can create a competitive advantage in three ways: it can reduce costs, it can increase sales revenue, and it can increase market share.
  • Field sales staff will send their information more frequently. Typically information will be sent to management after every sales call (rather than once a week). This provides management with current information, information that they will be able to use while it is still valuable. Management response time will be greatly reduced. The company will become more alert and more agile.
  • These systems could increase customer satisfaction if they are used with wisdom. If the information obtained and analyzed with the system is used to create a product that matches or exceeds customer expectations, and the sales staff use the system to service customers more expertly and diligently, then customers should be satisfied with the company. This will provide a competitive advantage because customer satisfaction leads to increased customer loyalty, reduced customer acquisition costs, reduced price elasticity of demand, and increased profit margins.

ref: Insurance SFA and Insurance CRM, wikipedia

Friday, December 21, 2007

SFA Software - Marketing Manager's Advantage

CRM Software Functions we are talking here. As a part of CRM software we are talking Sales Force Automation. In our previous post we talked sfa advantage to Sales People and sfa advantages to Sales Manager.

Today we are going to talk SFA advantage to Marketing Manager.
It is also claimed to be useful for the marketing manager. It gives the marketing manager information that is useful in :

  • Understanding the economic structure of your industry
  • Identifying segments within your market
  • Identifying your target market
  • Identifying your best customers in place
  • Doing marketing research to develop profiles (demographic, psychographic, and behavioral) of your core customers
  • Understanding your competitors and their products
    Developing new products
  • Establishing environmental scanning mechanisms to detect opportunities and threats
    Understanding your company's strengths and weaknesses
  • Auditing your customers' experience of your brand in full
    Developing marketing strategies for each of your products using the marketing mix variables of price, product, distribution, and promotion
  • Coordinating the sales function with other parts of the promotional mix (such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and publicity)
  • Creating a sustainable competitive advantage
  • Understanding where you want your brands to be in the future, and providing an empirical basis for writing marketing plans on a regular basis to help you get there
  • Providing input into feedback systems to help you monitor and adjust the process.

ref: sfa and crm software, wikipedia

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

SFA - Sales Manager Advantages

Sales Force Automation we are talking here and Advantages to different people/department attach with it. In our last post we talk about Advantages to Sales People and Advantages to the Sales Manager.

Today we continue our talk on Advantages to the Sales manager. Advantages to the

sales manager. Sales force automation systems can also affect sales management. Here are some examples;

The sales manager can configure the system so as to automatically analyze the information using sophisticated statistical techniques, and present the results in a user-friendly way. This gives the sales manager information that is more useful in :

  • Providing current and useful sales support materials to their sales staff

  • Providing marketing research data: demographic, psychographic, behavioural, product acceptance, product problems, detecting trends

  • Providing market research data: industry dynamics, new competitors, new products from competitors, new promotional campaigns from competitors, macro-environmental scanning, detecting trends

  • Co-ordinate with other parts of the firm, particularly marketing, production, and finance

  • Identifying your most profitable customers, and your problem customers

  • Tracking the productivity of their sales force by combining a number of performance measures such as: revenue per sales person, revenue per territory, margin by customer segment, margin by customer, number of calls per day, time spent per contact, revenue per call, cost per call, entertainment cost per call, ratio of orders to calls, revenue as a percentage of sales quota, number of new customers per period, number of lost customers per period, cost of customer acquisition as a percentage of expected lifetime value of customer, percentage of goods returned, number of customer complaints, and number of overdue accounts.

ref: sfa & Sales Management Software, wikipedia

Friday, December 14, 2007

Sales Force Automation - Sales Manager Advantages

Sales Force Automation we are talking here and Advantages to different people/department attach with it. In our last post we talk about Advantages to Sales People. Today we are going to talk about Advantages to the Sales Manager.

Advantages to the sales manager
Sales force automation systems can also affect sales management. Here are some examples:

  • The sales manager, rather than gathering all the call sheets from various sales people and tabulating the results, will have the results automatically presented in easy to understand tables, charts, or graphs. This saves time for the manager.
  • Activity reports, information requests, orders booked, and other sales information will be sent to the sales manager more frequently, allowing him/her to respond more directly with advice, product in-stock verifications, and price discount authorizations. This gives management more hands-on control of the sales process if they wish to use it.
  • The sales manager can configure the system so as to automatically analyze the information using sophisticated statistical techniques, and present the results in a user-friendly way.
    This gives the sales manager information that is more useful to him in different way.

We talk how these information useful to Sales Manager in our next post.

ref: Sales Force Automation & Sales Management Software, wikipedia

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sales Force Automation - Advantages to Sales People

An integral part of any SFA system is company wide integration among different departments. If SFA systems aren’t adopted and properly integrated to all departments, there might be a lack of communication which could result in different departments contacting the same customer for the same purpose. In order to mitigate this risk, SFA must be fully integrated in all departments that deal with customer service management.

We talk different advantages to different department/ person who are integrated with SFA procress.
1) Advantages to Sales People
2) Advantages to Sales Manager
3) Advantages to Marketing Manager
4) Strategic Advantages

We talk each of the above here. First we talk Advantage to Sales people.

sales force automation systems can improve the productivity of sales personnel. Here are some examples:
  • Rather than write-out sales orders, reports, activity reports, and/or call sheets, sales people can fill-in prepared e-forms. This saves time.
  • Rather than printing out reports and taking them to the sales manager, sales people can use the company intranet to transmit the information. This saves time.
  • Rather than waiting for paper based product inventory data, sales prospect lists, and sales support information, they will have access to the information when they need it. This could be useful in the field when answering prospects’ questions and objections.
  • The additional tools could help improve sales staff morale if they reduce the amount of record keeping and/or increase the rate of closing. This could contribute to a virtuous spiral of beneficial and cumulative effects.

ref: sales force automation - CRM Software, wikipedia

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sales Force Automation - SFA - CRM Software Functions

Sales Force Automation Systems (SFA), typically a part of a company’s customer relationship management system, is a system that automatically records all the stages in a sales process. SFA includes a contact management system which tracks all contact that has been made with a given customer, the purpose of the contact, and any follow up that might be required. This ensures that sales efforts won’t be duplicated eliminating the risk of irritating customers. SFA also includes a sales lead tracking system, which lists potential customers through paid phone lists, or customers of related products. Other elements of a SFA system can include sales forecasting, order management and product knowledge. More developed SFA systems have features where customers can actually model the product to meet their required needs through online product building systems. This is becoming more and more popular in the automobile industry, where patrons can customize various features such as color and interior features such as leather vs. upholstered seats.

We continue our talk on Sales Force Automation as part of CRM Software Function in next post.

ref: Sales Force Automation, CRM Software, wikipedia

Monday, December 3, 2007

Leadorganizer - CRM Software Functions - 4

CRM Software Functions and CRM Software Features we are talking here and as part of it’s features we talk about Lead Capture, Lead Distribution and Lead Management.
In our today’s talk we are going to talk about leadorganizer as features of CRM software functions. CRM Software consist of different features we talked before, leadorganizer is very important and crucial part of it.

Leadorganizer is consisting of CRM, SFA and Lead Distribution. CRM part of leadorganizer is focused on contact management, document management, time management, agency work-flow automation and communication tools.

With reference to CRM Functions, SFA is part of leadorganizer. Sfa includes lead management, communication tools, scheduling, performance tracking and marketing tools. Leadorganizer sfa also integrated with an enhanced instant term life quoting tool, paramed order and auto fill applications.

Lead Distribution is also important part of leadorganizer. Leadorganizer automatically route or distribute leads to the right agent in team based on a set of configurable assignment rules. This helps the sales team to get qualified leads and reduce manual assignment.

We can say that as part of crm software, Leadorganizer is having nice combination of crm, sfa and lead distribution features in it.

ref: crm software functions flow